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Dancing Embryo

Dancing Embryo

Diego Marín & Benedikte Wallace - England, 2022


Dancing Embryo is the artistic display of the project Human-AI Dance. It consists in dance performances and an interactive installation where AI and human creativity meet. The installation is open in two modalities for open interaction, where the user can bodily interact with an intelligent pictorial being whom can co-create movement or establish a dance learning experience. Through motion sensors and Mix reality, the exhibition room becomes a liminal space where the fusion of human and AI creativity occurs.

More about the ‘Human-AI Dance project’


Dancing Embryo includes kinematic demonstrations and stage performances where Artificial and Human intelligence co-create in real time. These dance pieces are performed by Diego Marín and an AI Dancer developed by Benedikte Wallace.

Human-AI dance demonstration

Human-AI dance excerpts


Dancing Embryo works on the development of two possible displayments installed in open interactive places such as galleries or museums. The project includes AI software, video introduction for users, development of protocol for the creative lab and technological/spatial installation at the venue.



Diego Marín

PhD fellow at University of Oslo. Lecturer in the Master of Performing Arts at Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Diego is an established dance artist and researcher, he has lectured at the CFI University of Cambridge and Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in London. He is graduated from Choreomundus: International Master in Dance and current PhD candidate at RITMO Centre of the University of Oslo.

Diego Marín

Benedikte Wallace

She obtained her PhD at the University of Oslo (RITMO Centre) and is currently a Postdoctoral research working on expressive motion for robots. She has done extensive research into generative AI for music and dance and is the creator of the AI Dancer for this project.

6A9 | Audiovisual production

6A9 is a Creative studio focused on audiovisual production directed by Arturo Rentería and Alvaro Arriola. They are creatives and producers of visual and sound content of the project.

The beginning

In 2021, Diego and Benedikte started exploring the sonification of dance by using wearables to produce music while dancing. Later in 2022, both produced research plattforms such as the workshop 'Embodying AI' at University of Arts London and the presentation 'Human-AI Dance: hybrid co-creativity in the posthuman era' at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (University of Cambridge). Diego and Benedikte’s AI Dancer performed live in the conference 'Human+AI Collaborive performance' in 2022, where 6A9 joined the project to later produce the dance film "Dancing Embryo".

In 2023 Dancing Embryo earned the 'SACPC Interdisciplina y Transdisciplina' award (Cultural Ministry of Mexico) to disseminate perspectives on Human-AI creative collaboration in the cultural industries through a series of talks, performances and the publication of the book "Encarnando lo Artificial" (Embodying the artificial).


Embodying the Artificial


Artistic Statement

Diego Marín

Artificial Intelligence and humans:
Understanding a new language for the creation of aesthetic movement.

Human-AI Dance Project

Diego Marín

Dance: beyond a human expression.

Research outcomes at Choreomundus consortium and University of Cambridge.

What happens when Art meets AI?

Benedikte Wallace at TEDxArendal Oslo


 Mexico and the dance of the future


By the Mexican Cultural Centre UK

(Content in Spanish)

Hybrid dance: creation of human and artificial intelligence

By Leviatán Magazine Mexico
(Content in Spanish)