Dance and Artificial Intelligence: Using or collaborating?

Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence | Cambridge, United Kingdom

This conference report is the summary of the talk I was honoured to give at the University of Cambridge on 8 September 2022 entitled ‘Human-AI dance: bodily hybrid co-creativity in the posthuman era’. The report provides a diagnosis of different AI systems to create dance and arouses a discussion about the role of human creativity when interacting with AI. On the other hand, it points out the importance of the development of body-interactive AI systems to prevent the potential decline of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. This conference is based on my research project ‘Dancing Embryo: Human-AI Co-creation of dance’.

©2022 Diego Antonio Marín Bucio -Open Access- Distributed under CC BY 4.0 license.


DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29164.64644

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