Embodying the artificial: Human-AI Co-creation of dance

By: Diego Marín | Copyright: 2022

Coming soon

Embodying the artificial is the first book on AI Dance. It contains a full research of the creative collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence to create dance.


Available soon (December 2023).

Book description

Embodying the artificial (Marín Bucio, 2023) is an ethnographic research that documents and analyses the author’s experience co-creating dance with an AI. Through his embodied experience, he reflects on human-machine creative collaboration and the future of dance as a consequence of technological integration.


The research departs from a critical perspective of anthropocentrism and posthumanism to explain the human-machine relationship in its kinaesthetic and cognitive interaction in creative tasks, questioning our understanding of dance, creativity and body concepts. The book supports and offers notions for categorising interdisciplinary creative processes with AI and body-integrated technology (cyborg art), as it clearly differentiates when AI is an autonomous creative agent from when it is merely a tool.

The book also discusses the ethical implications of AI integration in the cultural, creative and social industries where the dynamic-interactive body is the axis of symbolic production.

Table of content




1.- Technology in dance creation 

1.1 Intermedial dance

1.2 Dance creation assisted by computer: A history review

1.3 AI Dance

1.4 High-Tech puppetry dance 

1.5 Human-AI Dance Creation


2.- Field Research I: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Rhythm, Time and Motion (RITMO Centre UiO)

2.1.- Arriving to the laboratory

2.2.- Observation and creation of AI dance

2.3.- Dance as a source of technological development


3.- Embodying the artificial

3.1.- Learning from the artificial 

3.2.- Sonification of dance 

3.3.-Enhancement of the sensory and expressive body

3.4.- Transhumanist communication: agency, consciousness and negotiation


4. (Co)creation of dance with artificial intelligence

4.1.- Artificial choreography: methods, ethics and limitations

4.2.- Embodiment of AI

4.3.- Dance creative sensory ecosystem: a human perspective

4.4.Human dance, AI dance and posthuman dance

4.5.- Hybrid dance: creation from human and artificial intelligence


5 Field Research II: Centre for Future Intelligence (LCFI University of Cambridge)

5.1.- Collaborative experience with an AI dancer

5.2.- Sensorimotor contingency in Human-AI kinaesthetic creative collaboration

5.3.- Collaboration, interactivity and control in Human-AI body creativity





The author


Diego Antonio Marín Bucio (known as Diego Marín) is a Dance artists and academic currently PhD candidate at the University of Oslo and lecturer in the Master of Dance Research at Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, United Kingdom.

Shortlisted nominee for the One Dance UK Awards 22′ in the category of Science and Research in Dance. Former student of the University of Cambridge (LCFI) and graduated from the Choreomundus International Master. Pioneer in the co-creation of dance between humans and AI. He has been guest researcher at the University of Oslo (RITMO Centre) and has presented his dance productions internationally.

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